Invisalign® Teen in Houston, TX
Everyone wants to bring out that Hollywood smile with friends, family, or even at work and social events. Crooked teeth and misaligned bite impact heavily on one’s smile appearance. Braces have long been the standard in straightening teeth, but many people don’t like them because of their visibility in the mouth and interference with daily life.
Invisalign® is a game-changer when it comes to straightening teeth discreetly. Now, Invisalign Teen serves to help teens achieve their goals of straightening and aligning their bite and teeth. At A+ Family Dental, we offer Invisalign Teen in Houston, TX, helping young people to improve their smiles.
What is Invisalign Teen?
Invisalign Teen is a system comprising customized clear aligners designed and molded to enable adolescent patients to align or straighten their smile inconspicuously without anyone seeing that they are having orthodontic treatment. It is an ideal alternative to metal braces.
Receiving Invisalign Teen near you helps straighten teeth more predictably, eliminating the guesswork. The clear aligners also fit snugly around the teen’s teeth. The SmartTrack material fabricating Invisalign Teen aligners ensures comfort and ease of use and tracks whether the adolescent patient uses the system.
Invisalign Teen – A Smart Alternative to Metal Braces!
Whether a teen is actively involved in sports or wants to make a great impression at school activities or homecoming events, Invisalign Teen offers an attractive option. Metal braces can interfere with the active lifestyle of teens, including sports, dating, hanging out with friends, or participating in social events. Invisalign Teen allows adolescent patients to continue their normal activities without hitches.
How Invisalign Teen Works
Our dentist initially does an exam utilizing 3D X-rays, scans, and pictures to understand the nature of misalignment and then maps out an appropriate Invisalign treatment plan. The clear aligners are then custom-fabricated to fit the mouth snugly.
Once you have received your trays, wear them for roughly two weeks, then go to the next set. You must put on the trays or aligners for 20 to 22 hours daily. The treatment takes several months, from 9 to 24 months, based on the severity of the malocclusion.
An individual undergoing the orthodontic treatment can remove the tray aligners to brush teeth, floss, or enjoy their delicacies. Since Invisalign Teen has Compliance Indicator tabs, parents can know if their teenager is wearing the trays as required for effective treatment.
Bring your adolescent child for a visit at A+ Family Dental to begin orthodontic treatment with Invisalign Teen in Houston.